Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Preparing for Winter

Summer´s over, and my Glory Lily withered and died practically overnight. Thus, it´s time to cut her back to soil height and stop watering.

So Itś time to prepare for winter. Glory wants two months in the dark at 50 degrees F. This will be a trick because in New York in winter one generally dresses for the beach when indoors. That is, heat rises; so even with the heat turned off, itś always 75 degrees in my 10th floor apartment. Where can I find a 50 degree location?

I tried asking Quora, but the answer was ¨nowhere.¨ I started thinking about refrigerators. How ridiculous is it to spend $100 to winterize a $20 plant?  Well, originally I thought I needed to winterize three plants so I actually considered it, and placed this post on Facebook:

My friend Doug won the contest with an answer of 1.6 cubit feet, but I think it was a flop and reveals the flaw in the math teacherś explanation of why we should study math because these is no way those three plants will fit in here.


I thought about using the stairwell, the basement, a friendś garage, my car, and even considered sending the plant to my sister in California. However, this morning I purchased an AstroAl 9 Liter mini fridge for $48.99 because of it´s removable shelf and internal dimensions of 9.96” x 8.26” x 6.22.¨ I think Glory will fit, just barely.

The AstroAl will cool up to 32 degrees below ambient temperature; so we should be able to maintain 50 with no trouble. Now all I need to do is decide when to go dark!

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Received a Fishbone Plant


Todayś mail brought a Fishbone Plant ordered from wishlistplant on Etsy. It was beautifully and safely packaged in a three inch pot and included a full page of descriptive information and instructions. Suppliers dont usually provide this, so it was greatly appreciated.

Wishlistplant cautioned me not to repot this baby for two full weeks--which is another piece of advice usually not provided by suppliers. Travelling is shocking to plants. Imagine that you´ve lived happily in a greenhouse for your entire life, and then suddenly you´re grabbed up, shoved into a tiny, dark and airless box (helllllpppppppp!!!), and bounced around in trucks and airplanes for days or even weeks. When you finally see daylight again, you would definitely need some time to settle down, recharge, re-acclimate, find your zen.

I added the Fishbone Plant into Planta, my mobile app, putting her in the bedroom on the plant stand, about four feet from the window. Wishlistplant advised that she prefers bright, indirect light but will survive in low light. I bought her for her low light survival abilities but won´t move her to low light until sheś well established.

How to ¨Winter¨ Houseplants

Somewhere I heard that there are no mistakes in gardening, only experiments from which you learn something. This fall and winter will be an ...