How to manage the light requirements of houseplants that live in a small, highrise apartment.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
How to Identify Leaf Issues on Scheffera
Monday, October 10, 2022
Brought Home a 10¨ Potted Umbrella Tree
So, yes, I did go back to home depot yesterday for the 10¨ for $10 deal. Isn´t she a beauty?
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Three New Plants--hydroponic, bonsai, Janet Craig
I went to Home Depot hoping to get some distilled water for the fountain I ordered--MIStake! Every time I go there I buy more plants. Today I bought three and should have bought the fourth.
First was the bonsai. Every time I´ve seen one there I say thety´re too expensive but beautiful. Now, after buying so many plants on-line, I KNOW that Home Depot is not expensive. So I bought a lovely ficus. Planta says she´s prone to all the bugs and pests, tsk, tsk, so I quarantined her on the living room floor, well away from every thing.
Second, was a plant on my list--Dracaena Janet Craig, which is a corn plant I think, and it will end up looking like the corn plant I bought in Idaho and not like that spiral that I hated and gave away. Janet looks very healthy, but I quarantined her on the bedroom floor, well away from everybody else.
Last, I probably shouldn´t have spent the $20 on because she, an Autograph Tree, wasn´t on my list (full sun and low light plants), but she was hydroponic and kind of interesting looking, so I bought her.
What I SHOULD HAVE bought, and might go back tomorrow for, was a ten inch (!!!) ficus like the one I tossed accidentally two months ago for $10. What a good deal!
I was SUPPOSED to do today was set up the humidifiers, but--even though it was 45 degrees outside--it was over 80 inside. So I opened one window in the living room, propped open the front door (which is across the room from the windows), and set up the exhaust fan in the bedroom window. Several hours later, the kitchen, where I´m trying to proof some bread, is down to 74, but the rest of the living room is still high. I will now shut the front door and see if that helps. It didn´t. Temperature rose rapidly. So I don´t think the exhaust fan does any good. I took it off, so hopefully the bedroom temp will fall now. By the way, now--at noon--outside temp is still 50 degrees. Only God knows how bad it will be when they turn the heat on in the building.
I was on a roll, so I added a Flaming Katy to my hydroponics list. This is supposedly a nono, so weĺl expect her to die. To compensate, I potted a couple more Flaming Katies.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Raising Humidity
I have hygrometers all over the place, so I can observe that the humidity in my aparment has been falling down to about 50 nowadays. Autumn is here. Time to bring out the humidifiers. Last winter I used four and a small fountain. This year I´m contemplating a tall fountain--this one:
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Received my Drosera Capensis bug eater!!!
Received my Drosera Capensis bug eater!!! So excited! Those flying bugs are driving me crazy in the kitchen!! California Carnivores delivered a superbly packaged, beautiful specimen.
How to Winter a Vine
A Black Eyed Susan vine came in the mail today, and I put her directly into quarantine. She is beautiful, still flowering!
Monday, October 3, 2022
Thrips Invasion! Quarantine!
I am SUCH a slow learner. It has taken me over a year to internalize the well-publicized fact that thrips come into your house ON NEW PLANTS!!! Youŕe supposed to quarantine any new plants for some time (?) for this very reason. Not me. I just invite the thrips in to feast on all my other plants. Puuueeee.
So I´ve been fighting them off of the Crown of Thorns ever since it came in to the house. Sigh. So, first lesson: quarantine all new plants. Browsing Google suggests that quarantine should last anywhere from two to six weeks. Put them in a separate, plant free location. Yeah, if I lived in a mansion instead of a one-bedroom apartment with only two windows. The best I can do is to put them on my dining room table, which is in shade instead of full sun, and hope they can survive for the quarantine.
Then I have to decide IF the new plant is infested. I watched UCCE's Floriculture & Nursery Advisor, Jim Bethke, on YouTube describe how to do it. Basically, you put a leaf or flower from the plant into la jar of ethenol alcohol, shake it up, pour the alcohol through a porous cloth, and viola, all creatures will show up. I have a new plant arriving in a few days, so I can try this.
Meanwhile, I have thrips on the Crown of Thorns which is 12 inches away from its neighbor. Time to move this guy to the dining room table which is four feet from the nearest plant. There are now three plants in quarantine.
One is another new plant, the Mandevila Vine. I´m not sure what is going on with her except that every day more leaves turned brown and fell off so I just kept spraying her with Natria Insecticidal Soap. She has some new growth and plenty of leaves so I think Iĺl test her for thrips tomorrow with Mr. Bethkeś method.
The other new plant, the Garden Flox, went into isolation from day one because she looked sick right out of the box. However, since she dies down in winter, maybe she´s really looking normal.
Oops, four plants! My newest plant, Fishbone Prayer Plant, looked perfectly healthy when she came, but nevertheless I moved her this morning to quarantine. Letś see if sheś still healthy in a couple weeks.
Meanwhile, I have to treat the Crown of Thorns. As I previously wrote, Natria Insecticidal Soap has been my go-to method for treating any pest. However, recently I´ve read information that says I should wash off the plant and/or cleank the leaves withi alcohol. So this morning I washed Crown of Thorns in alcohol before I put her into quarantine. Maybe tomorrow I´ll wash her in the shower and spray her with Natria.
How to ¨Winter¨ Houseplants
Somewhere I heard that there are no mistakes in gardening, only experiments from which you learn something. This fall and winter will be an ...
My new Umbrella Plant has something on its leaves. Originally, I thought it was dust or dirt, but even after two days of showering, it is st...
I am SUCH a slow learner. It has taken me over a year to internalize the well-publicized fact that thrips come into your house ON NEW PLANT...